Almost there

Finished the first leg. I’m in Frankfurt (Saturday), it is cold and raining but that is ok because I feel like I’ve been hit by the jet lag train;). Off to Sochi tomorrow so, for now it is hurry up and wait.

Uneventful so far, other than the long flight with a chatty couple of kids in the row behind… Ah, youth, who needs sleep.

Countdown is on

Only one more week til departure for Sochi. Pretty well ready to go with all my paper work in order – Visa, Passport, mostly packed and travel info. It is hard to believe that only four short years ago I was getting geared up for 2010… now it’s 2014!!

Cypress Mountain 2010, Ski Cross Field of Play

Cypress Mountain 2010, Ski Cross Field of Play

Blast From The Past


This skyline of Vancouver’s West end and Coal Harbour was transformed by a light show nightly from the Burrard Bridge. This was one of many attractions during the 2010 Games in Vancouver.

Countdown is on…

Only 34 more days til the Olympics and only 28 more days until I leave Vancouver. I met some of my fellow volunteers a couple of weeks ago and by the sound of things everyone is pretty excited. I am finalizing my Visa application process, hopefully all my info is correct with all the t’s crossed and i’s dotted. More to come as I get closer to ‘go’ day.